Sunday, February 15, 2015

Wacky Weather!

What is up with this weather! It is February but feels like April! WE have a saying in this neck of the woods that if there is no snow on black butte, then it is clear for planting. But what if it's February? Are we able to plant this early? What about the winter freezings? Are we going to get any more cold or snow? Some people are noticing their garlic shoots already coming up as well as onion shoots and other fall plantings! I have even heard that the bears of Yellow Stone are emerging from their short winter slumber!

I have been hearing a lot of crazy things about the predictions of the weather and how it is going to pan out for our Central Oregon area. Well, I tend to follow the Old Farmer's Almanac. According to them, we are going to see a little bit more of precipitation but it looks like when that is due that we are going to be in warmer temps so it may come as rain and not snow. As far as down off the mountains, it looks like we are done with snow. Now, because I work at the ,now famous, Alfalfa Market Store, I kind of have an inside scoop. I had a customer that said that there is still snow on the mountain! He went snowmobiling and said that him and his buddies were the only ones out there because everyone thinks that there is not enough snow to do anything. Hoodoo, i think was only open for one whole day this whole winter season but Bachelor has a 34-36" base.

I am no weather woman or meteorologist by any means, nor do I claim to be, but I see a hot dry season ahead of us. Back to the almanac, It predicts a below average precipitation for us CO folks from here on out. Hopefully it will not cause a shortage on the irrigation. If you are itching to plant because of this springlike weather, I suggest root crops and cold hardy crops only with some coverings to put over them in case of overnight lows getting even close to freezing.

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